1. Redfog
2. See Through Me
3. Saw
4. The Newborn One
5. Way of the Masses
1. Svartport
2. Sun of All
3. Obsession
4. Rasen
5. The Haste to the Pyre
6. Wings of Dragons
7. I, the Wolf
8. The Umbilical Cord
9. Dawn of Light
10. In War
1. In Medias Res
2. Blacksphere
3. Kalabalik
4. Tribes
5. Obscurity
6. Aluminum
7. Corot
8. Automata
9. Arrival
10. Of Sovereignty
1. The Planck Distance
2. Wildfire
3. Odyssey
4. Tellus
5. The Sparrow
6. - 10. Instrumentals

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